Sunday, February 21, 2010
London Fog surprised me last night by showing me a scurrilous blog by Pauline Bloody Park in which she blatantly defends her actions in by her own admission rigging a phony baloney election for the expressed purpose of getting me out of the 'working group' of NYAGRA.
Some of what she says is true but distorted through a lens of psychotic egomania the rest is nothing but bloody bollocks. It is true that I disagreed with her on the GID diagnosis nor do I particularly enjoy being called a 'white trannsexual elitist'
However she neglects to mention that the crux of our disagreement is that I supported trans inclusion in SONDA wheras she was part of a gang of so-called trans leaders who actively worked against trans inclusion in SONDA and viciously attacked anybody who did support such inclusion. I can only assume that she was bribed to do so by ESPA or somebody similar and/or that she actually believed that trading away trans inclusion for SONDA in return for ESPA's support in getting a transgender civil rights bill passed at the New York City level, a bill incidentally that exempted the city itself from following its own non discrimination guidelines. This meant that trans women could still be discriminated against in the shelter system and the jails where the most frequent incidents of heinous abuse occur.
In retrospect I would not have posted as much information on the listserve as I did, but I do not agree that my posts were irrelevant. I have always advocated forming alliances with other groups in order to garner support for trans civil rights in general and support for trans inclusion in SONDA in particular. In her tirade Park points to a posting about AIDS in Africa failing to report that I was advocating that NYAGRA support ACT-UP's work in this area and in return seek further support from ACT-UP for transgender causes. This is what is known as building coalition. Later on I suggested building a working relationship with NOW which caused Donna Cartwright to attack me with a diatribe in which she said and I quote "NOW is not part of my community" Whether she actually meant to say that people who work towards equality between men and women are not a community with whom she is in sympathy remains unclear.
The egomaniacal Park goes on to complain that I spoke with Wonbo Woo of GLAAD about a disgustingly homophobic cover picture and article by Norah Vincent that appeared in the Village Voice. I don't see where she gets off saying that I can or can't speak to people in GLAAD about anything I damned well please without her permission particularly when I was a card carrying member at the time and had been long before I met Park. She complains that I compromised her negotiations with Wonbo Woo. Well that's just too goddamned bad considering that nobody gave her any legitimate authority to be the only tranny that could talk to GLAAD on behalf of all trannies. She expresses concern that we could be alienating our so-called allies at the Village Voice. With allies that ridicule and humiliate us in a population in which they essentially pimp off of ads from tranny sex workers I've no idea why we need enemies
When NYAGRA showed a lack of will to address the problem with the VOICE in a meaningful way, the Metropolitan Gender Network, which had been the premier trans activist organisation in New York City before Park and Carpetbagger Cartwright darkened our halls had a successful demonstration at the Voice which was supported by Christine Quinn, Rev. Pat Baumgartner of the MCC, the late Bob Kohler of Fed Up Queers and others including the late Sylvia Rivera who despite rumours to the contrary was a trans political activist before Park or even Riki Wilchins had first reared their heads.
There will be more about this crooked lying Stalinist bastard and the psychotic purge of the rest of the board of NYAGRA that followed in future postings on this blog.


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