Friday, March 27, 2009
'Tis an overcast Friday morning and the commisioner is waiting for the turtle to emerge from the shower and then we go to the Uni an hence home again home again jiggety jiggety.
Then I can run lippity lop to see my bunny rabbits.
I had a nice long talk over a brew with Leonardo Da Vinci last night. He's still designing aircraft and studying the human body.
I'm afraid of China. They seem to be demanding more and more power at our expense first actually warning the U. S. government that they are a major investor and dissatisfied with the way we are conducting our business (i.e. the Chinese government wants to tell us how to run our bloody economy. This is a country that supports slavery in Darfur and has their own people living in cages and shoot people like me for writing blogs like this one. I say that serious thought should be given as to whether our Founding Fathers would be dropping Chinese products into Boston Harbour by now. I see no reason why Michael Phelps should apologise to the the Chinese government for "disgracing" their Olympics---an event at which french fried scorpion's were sold for crying out loud--for smoking a bowl of kind bud right here in the Good Ol' USA. I'm beginning to thing that the government should start seizing Walmart stores as outposts of a hostile foreign power. USA! USA! ALL THE WAY USA!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It is definitely Spring. Jesus is about to come out of his tomb in a couple of weeks or so and if he doesn't see his shadow winter will be over. Attis apparently died of bloodloss from self castration and a pathological case of mommy guilt last week according to the calender. The rabbits with whom I live are shedding fur and leather jackets as the case may be. I've just been celebrating St. Patty's day in the most traditional way by cutting sod for a garden.
There is an internet rumour to the effect that there's a bill in Congress that would make growing your own food in your own backyard garden illegal. Apparently it's part of some kind of Food Safety Reform Measure. I can't believe that this could actually happen in this country but then what do I know? It is an historical fact that there were complaints from food producing corporations when Eleanor Roosevelt propsed the idea of Victory Gardens during World War II. Companies such as Campbell's, Libby and the other producers of tinned vegetables were afraid that it would cut into their profits. Look it up.
I could easily get paranoid about this being part of being colonised by China, a country which has already poisoned first our pets and then our children with food that they sold through Wal-Mart. The Chinese government has officially reminded the U.S. Governement that they are now a major stakeholder in our economy and dissatisfied with our performance. We could be the next Tibet.
One of the funniest things to me was not only the way they've been picking on Michael Phelps for taking a couple of tokes at a party, but they actually want him to apologise to the Chinese for disgracing their Olympics. Man I'd be really ashamed to disgrace myself at a sports event where instead of corn dogs they were selling fried scorpions on a stick.
On another topic the Wathcmen is definitely going to be remembered as the most important movie of the turn of the century. Just as the 1960's were the years in which rock'n'roll came of age, so was the 1980's the age when the graphic novel went beyond being youth entertainment and became virtually the only venue in which it was possible for independent minded artists and writers to introduce genuinely new and creative ideas in a relatively uncensored environment. Alan Moore introduced Hermetic philosphy, political satire, and post-modernist deconstuctionism to the world of comic book super heroes. He captured the zeitgeist of a time when the peace and love philosophy of the 1960's bled to death on a sidewalk in front of the Dakota and Ronald Reagan was financing genocide in Latin America by selling crack to our kids and weopans to help the Taliban practice up on the USSR before they got around to blowing up the World Trade Centre and setting the stage for another eight years of brain dead Republican politics, record deficits and unwatchable television.
It was also the time in which Lily Tomlin famously said
"No matter how cynical I become, it's still not enough to keep up."


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