Sunday, February 24, 2008
This is an interesting question. The fact that the Mayan calender
ends with 2012 could mean any number of things. I'd like to believe
that we will evolved into another way of being. It will not be the
end of the world, but it will be the end of the world as we know it.
We are on the brink of huge changes in consciousness, in technology
and quantum physics is changing the way we conceive of reality itself.
In fact Lilly Tomlin is not wrong when she says that reality is
nothing but a "collective hunch" For a long time in the Western world
the Roman Catholic Church controlled the official view of reality
until the Reformation and then the Enlightenment overturned that
monopoly on how people were allowed to think. The clash between
Fundamentalism, science and New-Age type mysticism is essentially
about whether we are to take responsibility for the fact that we
create our own reality. This idea is hard to accept on the individual
level, but is more obvious if one says that we create our own
collective reality, and yet the individual has a let of power to
create one's own reality.
Advances in such things as cloning, artificial intelligence, the
creation of actual new life forms, genetic modification, etc. can lead
us into a world that we will be unable to recognise. Just look at the
20th century from the point of view of the 19th with its two world
wars, people travelling to the moon and back, the advent of cars,
phones, movies, radio, tv. the airplane, the computer, etc. or even
look from the point of view of the time of the American revolution and
what the telegraph and the steam engine did to change everything The
rate of change has so accelerated that there is no telling where it
will lead.
Not many years ago the writers of Star Trek said that it was
getting harder to keep the gadgets on the show ahead of existing
technology. Some truly interesting and perhaps frightening ideas are
being seriously suggested by scientists. One example is that we seem
to moving toward a time where a human mind can be literally downloaded
as a computer program giving the individual a very odd and potentially
disturbing yet very real sort of immortality.
Other possible developments include such things as interaction
with beings from other planets, further exploration of the bottom of
the ocean which remains yet mostly unexplored, etc.


Friday, February 08, 2008
letting go

The rest of the previous post would have gone on to talk about the seventies and the so-called 'me' generation.
Perhaps the most appealing and apalling thing about the feline person who finally is moving on was the way she constantly challenged 'me" ism--the whole idea of putting oneself first. Carried to one extreme it is the philosophical position of the Anton Levay school of "Satanism" Put another way it is the basis of so much pop psycholog from "Looking Out for Number One" to the song "The Greatest Love of All" which can be anything from an Anthem to an all time low in self indulgent camp
I am thinking a lot about forgiveness. I feel that there has been a lot of abuse going on around me, from my father's abuse of my mother and myself, to the abusive relationships that I've been in (my ex wife, her boyfriend my ex best friend from high school who was physically abusive, an alchoholic transy ex navy seal, the feline, the cult leader, etc. etc. etc. I realise that I need to explore what it is about me that up to the present moment left me prone to falling into abusive relationships, while at the same time to start right now to forgive and let go.
I thought that my friend who has as many personalities as Howard Johnson has flavours of ice cream was a little bit beyond reason with her unrelenting critique of "borderline' thinking which is to say the idea that there are good guys and bad guys and that it always makes sense to take a side. There are times when I still feel that it is right and necssary to take sides, but also things are always more complex then they seem. I am a recent survivor of a war between two people each of whom has accused the other of abuse and both of whom who are quite guilty. I've seen them do terrible things to each other, and they've both done terrible things to me and to other people around them.
And now it is time to start to put the whole thing behind me. I need to detach myself from both of them and to allow the process of understanding to lead to the kind of forgiveness which does NOT say that what these people did is okay, but rather that I do NOT have to let the pain and anger keep me bound to people from whom I need to be truly FREE. In my father's case I did this when I realised that I was older than he was at the time he died, so that rebelling against him any further would be pointless.
It seems that there is a trend of making an identity out of victemhood. So-called "survivors' of everything from various so-called "addictions" to various kinds of real and imagined abuse, etc. seem to get stuck in the moment that a particularly grievious insult or injury occurred. I have been known to carry grudges and to never let go of anything myself. I need to make today the day I resolve to just let go of stuff. The past two years need to end. Now.


For the most part the past two years feel to me like some knda crazy nightmare from which I have grown increasingly eager to awaken. Sometimes life feels like that to me. I don't mean that in a morbid, suicidal way at all. Rather the more I study the Golden Dawn system, Kaballah, Baba Ram Dass, Shirley McClaine, Edgar Cayce, etc. etc. etc. the more I feel that each lifetime is a learning process. I don't know what happens after death. I am quite sure that it involves some sort of re-incarnation but whether than means that the same indvidual soul keeps re-appearing in a different body (which would explain the whole transsexual feeling of being trapped in the wrong body at least) or whether bits and pieces of consciousness are recycled.
People we love do become a part of us. Philosophically speaking we're all ONE consciousness. It's like there is one MIND in which we are individual synapses.
There is a time for playing roles and a time for being REAL. My deepest regrets in life are (1) not being a part of my son's life as he was growing up and (2)having gotten involved with a certain house and reiigious cult. I mean cult in a purely sociological sense of the word for a small relatively obscure reliigious group with a strong central leader. I don't know what I think about cybele and attis at this point beyond it being another Mystery religion. Part of me feels that I have indeed gone through a process of death and rebirth. Central House being a sort of Underworld in which I had my mind and soul utterly ripped apart and there has been real danger of losing everything in this world that I hold dear. The person whom I refer as Londo Fog in this blog she of the famous Green Frog the centre of MY universe. But everybody has their own fiew of the Universe and their own centre. Finding that centre is probably the point of life.
Philosophically the 1950's were based on the idea of finding ONE person to whom one devoted one's life which evolved into the nuclear family as the centre of one's life. The Sixties were about looking beyond that to trying to change the world and a very ideaistic idea that it is not only possible to make the world a better place, but it is your duty to do so. The people fighting the Vietnam war in the name of bringing Democracy and holding back the spread of communist evil and the people protesting the war were both very much idealists bent on remaking the world from what I can tell. The whole POW mythos is based on the idea of some sort of redemptive suffering after the fashion of Christ's suffering on the cross that somehow redeems the sins of Vietnam. This is essentially what John McCain is running on in the presidential election this time around.
As usual no one knows exactly what the democrats are selling.

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