Saturday, February 28, 2009
I am pleased and relieved to have the turtle back from New Orleans. She has taken some lovely photographs and video clips, my favourite being of the workings of a steam boat.

Commissiner Coat's husband and I labour in similar vineyards. I've written a science fiction novel and he has gotten a bit further with a flawed but brilliant graphic novel. Lately we've been reading many of the same authors, most notably Neal Gaimon.

Without waxing Roth upon the subject my life would be easier if Comissioner Coat did not appear to hate me and everything for which I stand and seem determined to remind me of the fact every time our paths cross. I'm really much to old and tired to care for a conflict with anyone and since we're going to remain in each others lives for the forseeable due to me being the spouse in every meaningful sense of the word of her remaining parent 'twould seem for the best that we both do our part to make the best of it. After much careful soul searching I am confident that I can honestly say that I've done nothing deliberate to fuel hard feelings even if I am at a total loss as to what if anything I could say or do which might serve to alleviate them.

My primary focus these days is upon trying to make a go of a book store in Pine Hill New York and more generally to come up with meaninful means of sustaining our household.

I understand that the Witch of Buffalo Valley may grace us with a visit. I've suggested the Spring Equinox as a likely time and we shall discover how that plays out.
Monday, February 02, 2009
I'm always depressed when London Fog has to go to Brooklyn and I'm doing things here.


Sunday, February 01, 2009
It's a funny thing, but this blog started out in part because of a conflict that London Fog and I were having with the Park Slope United Methodist Church and its idiotic martinet of a pastor at the time one Findlay Schaef and his evil or at least annoying minyon whom I believe I used to call Iron Derby on this blog. My contempt for the United Methodist Church in particular had grown to a sort of generalised contempt for organised religion. Having been in the "Witch Wars" in Paganism, ripped off by a cult dedicated to the Immaculate Castration or some idiocy like that,
and receiving phone calls from my mother warning me of the dangerous of hellfire if I continue to vote Democratic I've simply given up on the whole thing.
If I were to found a church it would be called The First Church of the Fluffy Bunny and the entire creed would consist of two words.
Be Nice


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